Trials and Tribulations

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Good friends, New faces and a Bookstore

Tonight I attend a booksigning on Murder on the Beach Mystery Bookstore hosted by Joanne Sinchuk. Joanne is literacy and any author's best friend. She goes out of her way to be supportive to the author and works closely with the library system to put on programs.

I had a great time chatting with Joanne, romantic comedy author Mary Stella and mystery author supreme Barbara Parker and meeting new readers.

If you live in Southeast Florida and are a mystery buff, Joanne's store is for you. She and her staff will welcome you and if you want to read a few pages, there are nice, comfy chairs to sit a spell. Here's her information:

Joanne Sinchuk
Murder on the Beach Mystery Bookstore
273 Pineapple Grove Way (NE 2nd Ave)Delray Beach, FL 33444
Phone: 561-279-7790
Fax: 561-279-7759
Summer hours: Mon - Sat, 10-6.

Good friends, new faces and a bookstore.

Life is good.

Carol Stephenson


Great to see you at the signing, Carol. Can't wait to read your book!
commented by Blogger Mary Stella, 9:44 PM  

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