Trials and Tribulations

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

David Copperfield update

David Copperfield outwits robbers! Following his shows on Sunday, he went with 2 of his assistants to City Place. On their way back to their tour bus, a car with 4 men pulled up, two of them armed. They demanded the trio's possessions and the 2 assistants turned over their purses, money, etc. David pulled out his pants pockets, showing there was nothing in them. He pulled a slight of hand with his money and the crooks fell for it!!!!! They had no idea who they were robbing. The police were able to track the license plate number and captured the thieves. WTG, David!!!!!!!! :) Carol Stephenson

Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence!!!

Woohoo!!!!! Today I was notified that COURTING DANGER won the category of romantic suspense series in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence!!!!!! :) Carol Stephenson doing a Snoopy dance of joy

Monday, April 24, 2006

Write Touch finalist!!!

I had to put on the mileage today, driving up north to Port St. Lucie to depose a claimant. The deposition lasted so long [claimant couldn't answer the simplest of questions; every answer had to be long and drawn out] that I hit the going home traffic. When I finally arrived home, I had a message that Courting Danger is a finalist in Romantic Suspense for the Wisconsin Romance Writers' The Write Touch contest.

Yes! Nice end to a long day. :) Carol Stephenson

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Great Magician

Tonight I escaped by going to see the David Copperfield show. I last saw his show at least 5 years ago. This show had more 'fluff' with a long video opening and then a middle video, but David still thrills and delights the audience. I personally prefer the simple slight of hand tricks, but his big special effect illusions were also spectacular. My fav was the live duck doing periodic entrances, waddling across the stage until it was time for his special trick. :) Carol Stephenson

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A nomination for the Darwin Award

Last night I heard an enormous bang as I was watching American Idol. I went outside but the sky was clear...meaning no thunder clap. Houses around me had lights, but I figured it had to be a transformer blowing. Later on, I watched the evening news and learned a house probably ten miles away had exploded. Someone's home video showed this burning rubble with arcs of fire and popping noises. Today we learned that the authorities suspect an illegal fireworks operation. In the rubble they did find a dead person and others are missing. All this for few bucks these illegal firewords could have brought the people involved in the operation. Meanwhile, other people's doors, windows, glassware, etc. were damaged/destroyed for blocks around, running to thousands in damages. I nominate the genuises behind this operation for the Darwin Award. Their idiocy cost them their lives plus disrupted the lives of all who live in the neighborhood...not to mention the grief of their loved ones that they've left behind. Carol Stephenson

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter from Maddie and Me!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Remembering Dad

My Dad passed away three years ago. Although the passage of time has helped to ease the pain, the ache of loss still remains. As Dad loved to garden, I always clip a few flowers and foliage from the yard and take it to the grave. Today the 'bouquet' was Ixora and Shrimp Plant clippings. I hadn't taken Maddie before so today she accompanied me. I introduced her to Mom and Dad, and told them about her. We never had much luck in finding a dog that fit in well with our famiy so I wish they could have known Maddie; they both would have loved her. The rain stopped long enough so we could have a nice visit. Carol Stephenson

Sunday, April 09, 2006


I was sick to my stomach when I heard about the tornadoes striking Tennessee. I went to high school in the small town Dickson and then attended Vanderbilt University. I'm hoping the families/friends I knew are all right. My high school reunion was last October when Hurricane Wilma slammed into Florida so I didn't make it. A terrific classmate sent me the materials from the reunion plus photos so I could experience the event second-hand. So my thoughts and prayers are with the folks of Tennessee and I wish a speedy recovery. Carol Stephenson

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Today's Workshop

Today I had super fun presenting a workshop on contests along with Rhonda Pollero aka Kelsey Roberts to the Florida Romance Writers. The chapter is busy readying plans for the 2007 Fun in the Sun Conference. Plus our Super Saturday this coming September will feature the very special Cindy Dees, who I've had the pleasure working on the Madonna Key series. It was a great meeting with a nice blend of new faces and long time members. Our chapter will have a great showing at the RT conference as well, with a number of our published authors doing workshops. Season may be almost over for Southern Florida, but FRW is proceeding full speed ahead. :) Carol Stephenson

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Yo, Benjamin Franklin!

According to the movie National Treasure, Ben Franklin is responsible for daylight savings time. If so, shame on him! Now mind you, I've always been a big admirer; he's one of my fav Revolutionary War figures. However, Ben, you've done me wrong! My body simply can't handle springing foward and losing an hour. I get so little sleep with juggling a day job and writing that any upset in my routine is devastating. It will take me a month to adjust but for the first week I'm absolutely miserable. I was going to begin writing my next contracted legal thriller this week but have opted to research a proposal instead. I'm going to need coffee and M&M's to make it through to the weekend. :) Carol Stephenson

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Maddie's Graduation

I'm proud to say that Maddie graduated today from Beginner's Obedience and on her certificate the instructor wrote 'most improved'. Attached is her graduation picture. :) Carol Stephenson, proud mommy