A nomination for the Darwin Award
Last night I heard an enormous bang as I was watching American Idol. I went outside but the sky was clear...meaning no thunder clap. Houses around me had lights, but I figured it had to be a transformer blowing. Later on, I watched the evening news and learned a house probably ten miles away had exploded. Someone's home video showed this burning rubble with arcs of fire and popping noises. Today we learned that the authorities suspect an illegal fireworks operation. In the rubble they did find a dead person and others are missing. All this for few bucks these illegal firewords could have brought the people involved in the operation. Meanwhile, other people's doors, windows, glassware, etc. were damaged/destroyed for blocks around, running to thousands in damages. I nominate the genuises behind this operation for the Darwin Award. Their idiocy cost them their lives plus disrupted the lives of all who live in the neighborhood...not to mention the grief of their loved ones that they've left behind. Carol Stephenson
posted by Carol Stephenson, 10:25 PM
commented by Heather Waters, 7:08 PM