Trials and Tribulations

Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Hurricane Drumbeat

Quite a hurricane culture springs into action post storm. With limited access to TV/radio, word of mouth reigns supreme. For example, a friend of mine who lives in Boca Raton let me know that a grocery store with full power was opened.

Why is that important? Although it's too early post hurricane for items such as frozen goods to be back in the stores, it does mean items like milk, juice, bread, and some meats might be available. It also means that the store's ATM is operational. Most banks are still closed. Any restaurant or any other business open and running on generator takes only cash. With the high cost of gas, cash can go rather quickly.

So even though Boca Raton is about a 20 minute drive south under normal conditions, I headed to the store this morning. Lo and behold, there was a functioning ATM plus a decent stock of everything but frozen goods. A store with full power also means an entire grid has power so then you look for a gas station. I found one with a large number of pumps so that I got through in about 45 minutes...a lot better than the 2 hr. line I was in on Wednesday.

Now I have enough gas with rationing to make it to Tuesday or until power is restored in my neighborhood, whichever comes first.

:) Carol Stephenson, 5 1/2 days without power and counting


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