Trials and Tribulations

Saturday, November 12, 2005


I had my critique group today. It's alway creatively energizing to get with the core group, Linda Conrad, Sandy Madden, and Marcia King-Gamble. We have several others, but they can't attend on a regular basis. Sandy, Linda, Marcia and I each bring to the critiquing table a separate strengh so we're a good blend. They're also great for brainstorming new ideas.

We always begin with breakfast and sharing news, personal and publishing. Then it's on to each other's work. We each have an individual style so reading their works in progress is pure reading pleasure. As I drove home today, characters were coming to life in my head on an idea of mine that we had brainstormed.

Tuesday night I'm speaking to a local readers' group so I'm going to have to try to describe the undescribable...the creative process of how I get an idea.

:) Carol Stephenson


Wow! That's one powerful critique group! I'd love to be a fly on the wall...
commented by Blogger Toni Lea Andrews, 8:19 PM  
Thanks, Toni. We're a good blend. Hopefully, our RT workshop in May 2006 will help others achieve the same creative harmony.

:) Carol
commented by Blogger Carol Stephenson, 7:28 PM  
I hope your speaking engagement went well, Carol. I can't wait for the Madonna Key series to begin!
commented by Blogger Roxann Delaney, 10:30 PM  

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