Trials and Tribulations

Friday, December 30, 2005

A Town Without Christmas Lights

Many things surprised me about Montgomery. My misconceptions began on my approach via US231. Somehow I had this idea in my head that Montgomery's terrain would be flat given its history of cotton plantations. Instead I drove through a beautiful landscape of the rolling foothills from the Appalachians.

Then there was the temperature. Cold although nothing like Ohio; it was more like Tennessee's jacket weather.

The town's population is around 300,000 and there are gorgeous mansions everywhere, sitting on land carved out of plantations. If you buy a home, you get an abstract that discusses the entire history of the property. For example, my sister's abstract contains the divorce decree of the prior owners of the area.

But do you think this city with so much southern charm would light up for Christmas? Not! It's like there's an ordinance dictating that all home owners hang discreet wreaths in every window and maybe, just maybe drape a string of white lights in the front. We drove everywhere trying to enjoy lit Xmas decorations, but we found so few. The one small house decorated to the nines had cars and people lined up everywhere; no wonder. It was the only Xmas show in town.

When I attended the University of Leeds in Leeds, England, the coal miners went on strike, resulting in power being rationed. However, during the Xmas holidays, homeowners found a way to decorate and light up their hoouses.

On my return trip to Florida I laughed my head off when I reached Ft. Pierce. The moment the sun set, homes all along the turnpike lit up.

Go figure why Montgomery abstains when it otherwise has so much to offer.

:) Carol Stephenson


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