Trials and Tribulations

Monday, February 06, 2006

Extreme Makeover

If ever there was a feel good story...

In 2003 the East Boynton Beach Little League won the US title but lost in the World championship to Japan, with that memorable picture of all the kids racing out in to field to give thanks to the Buddha statue. However, last year Hurricane Wilma absolutely destroyed the East Boynton Beach Little League's field.

In the course of 4 days, Extreme Makeover with the help of 300 volunteers, some coming as far as Oklahoma, has rebuilt the field. The results are supposed to revealed on Wednesday. Some of the new features are supposed to be hurricane-proofed.


:) Carol Stephenson


I wanted to rebuild a ball field... found the story.... and made it happen. Not to toot my horn... it is just magical and may prove to be the most important thing I do in my life. I have never worked harder or enjoyed myself more.
commented by Blogger spicyginger, 2:11 AM  

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