Trials and Tribulations

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Maddie's Journal Entry

One of Carol's very nice friends got me a sun visor for our anniversary party. Now I personally prefer yummies as gifts. However, Carol is my property and there are times I need to humor her friends. Gotta keep up the ol' dog-human relationship, you know? So I model my new necklaces and other outfits during the party, but Carol's permanently glued to her camera. This weekend she just had to take me outside to model the sun visor while she took a few pictures. I really couldn't make up my mind which profile was the best. Carol's a smart pup, though. She made this collage of several angles. Gotta go roust the girl to take me out. :) Maddie


Awww, what a cutie pie! And Carol, good luck with the coming hurricane season. I'll be praying for you and everyone down there. May the strength and protection of The Goddess be with you.
commented by Blogger Karmela Johnson, 9:36 AM  
Thanks, Karmela. May all the hurricanes spin into the hurricane graveyard without landfall this season. I think we could all use a break. :)Carol
commented by Blogger Carol Stephenson, 10:01 PM  

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