Trials and Tribulations

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Steve Irwin

While I was deeply saddened by the freak accident that took Steve Irwin's life, I draw comfort from knowing that he died while doing what he loves most: exploring the wonders of nature. I watched a brightly colored bird at my feeder yesterday and could hear his voice saying, "Crikey, that a pretty one!" Also, while I think most of us...if we think about our death...would prefer something painless along the lines of passing away in our sleep, I did think about dying what I love doing most. For me, that would be writing. The problem is I would want to finish the book so I would be ticked off about being interrupted...not a particularly restful way to go. So Crocodile Hunter, be at peace. Crikey, you gave us years of wildlife enlightenment. Carol


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