Trials and Tribulations

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Feels good

I had an idea for a paranormal that's been nagging me since July to be written. After I turned in a new legal suspense proposal, I decided it was time to indulge. After doing a ton of research [natch!], I ripped through the proposal and synopsis and sent it to my agent on Tuesday. She liked what she saw and sent out queries to a number of publishers, and so far 4 editors have asked to see the chapters...this really makes me feel good after watching Bombshell fold. Now does this mean a sale? Heck no, but I had a blast writing the proposal and it's gratifying that there is at least initial interest. Publishing is a process of one step at a time. :) Carol


Good luck with the paranormal, Carol! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

commented by Anonymous Kate Donovan, 10:41 PM  
Good luck girlfriend! I'm crossing my fingers for you.
commented by Blogger Karmela Johnson, 10:53 AM  
Thanks Kate and Karmela!!!!!!!!!
:) Carol
commented by Blogger Carol Stephenson, 10:23 PM  

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