Trials and Tribulations

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fun in the Sun Conference

The countdown is on for the Florida Romance Writers' 'Fun in the Sun Conference'. This is always a fabulous conference packed with loads of events and workshops. Plus you can sign up to pitch to an agent or editor. By being hostesss with the mostest in 1997, I met my terrific agent Roberta Brown. Held this years, February 23-25, 2007, the conference features Keynote Speaker, Sherrilyn Kenyon with Special Guest Speaker, Eloisa James. Click on the following link to see the workshops and registration information. I hope to see you there!

:) Carol


And don't forget Friday Night's "Bedouin Bash!" We're going to belly dance. Really.
commented by Blogger Toni Lea Andrews, 8:36 AM  

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