Trials and Tribulations

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Kwips & Critiques 2006 Wrap-up

I know I always hold my breath when I hand my book over to a reviewer. After all, a bit of my heart and soul are wrapped in my newest baby. As a writer, I write my best with each book, but in a Sally Field's moment, I fret whether the reviewer will love that book. Through the years, I've been blessed with mostly favorable reviews. In wonderment I've seen both NORA'S PRIDE [Honorable Mention, First Book] and COURTING DANGER [3rd place, Romantic Suspense] receive an Award of Excellence nod from the Reviewers' International Organization.

Today, though, I had a first. SHADOW LINES was listed as one of Marilyn Rondeau's 2006 Best reads and received 'noteworthy' from Kelley Hartsell, both reviewers with Kwips & Kritiques. I'm so totally thrilled. I don't take this kind of honor for granted and will do my darndest to write the next book up to this level.

Here are the links to the lists:

:) Carol


Totally deserved.
commented by Blogger Toni Lea Andrews, 8:58 AM  
Thank you, Toni!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the countdown is on to the Fun in the Sun Conference!

:) Carol
commented by Blogger Carol Stephenson, 8:22 PM  

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