The satisfaction...
Of a project completed. I finished painting the patio floor today. Yesterday, my neighbor brought over a stone sander to see if we could remove the layers of glue and pain, but it made the surface worse. So I decided just to go ahead and paint it. I picked a medium warm brown and darn, it worked well with covering all the different stains. I slapped on a second coat this morning and what a transformation! After letting it dry thoroughly, I moved the furniture back on, taking the opportunity to rearrange it. I've been keeping everything arranged as my parents had. But how I use it now differs from when there were three of us congregating out there so I took the plunge to meet my needs. I'm tickled how it looks. And proud that I did it. :) Carol
posted by Carol Stephenson, 7:58 PM
Ah, the satisfaction of a job well done! I cleaned out my closet...does that count??
commented by Toni Lea Andrews, 8:53 PM
Absolutely, Toni! I live in fear of my closets. :) Carol