Trials and Tribulations

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The Amazing Internet/Computer

One of my early memories was tales at family gatherings that once there had been a completed family tree subsequently lost in a flood. Then years ago my sister began working on the family tree but hit dead ends because probate records had been burned during a courthouse fire. One New Year's Eve, I decided to give genealogy research a 'go' on the internet and found leads to our mother's side of the family. However, I kept hitting dead end's as to Dad's family, hampered even further by the fact he never wanted to talk about his family.

A few years ago I joined and made some more inroads. I haven't worked on it continuously due to the writing deadlines. However, here and there I check searches out as more information becomes available on the net.

Lo and behold over this weekend I was contacted by a woman who was helping a British man looking for a long last relative who had moved to the States: it turns out the missing relative was my paternal grandmother. The intermediary has been super, forwarding me all sorts of information that helps fill in a few banks...both my sister and I and our long lost British cousin.

We'll be compiling a packet of photos to send him. Only a few years ago this could not have been possible. But because I maintained a family tree on and answered a query, some pieces of the family puzzle have been found.

Amazing. Carol


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