Trials and Tribulations

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mission Accomplished: Grandmother Stephenson

Mission accomplished tonight. I managed to locate photos of my paternal grandmother Elizabeth Gertrude Sear Stephenson and of the four siblings, including my father, and email them across the sea to England. Now my long lost cousin will be able to see his American relatives. I also now have a new project to try to organize/preserve the photos better. I had been scanning them but then my laptop crashed. I suspect the drive will be stripped when it's fixed so it may be back to square one on scanning them. I then want to burn CD's so my sister has a complete set. There are two albums, though, that I may have to leave as is because they're so fragile. But anyway...tada!!! Here's a 1930's photo of my grandmother. :) Carol


Wow, I think I can actually see a resemblance. My sister is the family geneologist (thank gawd, because I am NO help in that department) and has an extensive website with pictures of scary looking relatives going back generations. It's fascinating to check out what our ancestors were up to, isn't it? Especially if, as in my case, you can get someone else to do all the heavy lifting...
commented by Blogger Toni Lea Andrews, 6:40 AM  

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