Trials and Tribulations

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Countdown to New Orleans

The schedule is up for Heather Graham's Writers for New Orleans Conference!!!!! I'm so psyched. I'll be doing the following panel:

Panel Four 3:15 – 4:00 pm Carol Stephenson, Helen Rosburg and friends
Sex! Romantic, hot and heavy, in the shower, down by the levee. From a man’s point of view, and then a woman’s too. What makes it a romance? What makes it a thriller with a couple of people getting it on? Ships in the night or life long delight.

There are a ton of events planned, including a party at the Cat's Meow on Bourbon Street that's being sponsored by Helen Rosburg.

Heather began this conference in order to give back to a city she loves and has been in a number of her books. My first trip to New Orleans was in 2002 when I attended the RWA Conference. I loved the town, from walking through the French Quarter to listening to the music from every store to riding the streetcar to the Garden District. If you're interested in attending, here's the link to the registration form and schedule. If nothing else, go to the site to listen to the music.

Heather Graham New York Times Bestselling Author of Suspense, Mystery, Vampire, Ghost and Romance Novels

And here's a shot of Jackson Square. :) Carol


This event was SO MUCH FUN last year...I need to make sure I get there this year, too.
commented by Blogger Toni Lea Andrews, 8:35 AM  

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