Trials and Tribulations

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Freshwaters

A few years ago when a friend and I visited Williamsburg, VA, I got to make a side trip to Northern Neck of Virginia. In 1659 Thomas Freshwater left England and came to America. He received a land grant and founded a plantation, which I gathered may have been lost on/about the Revolution. The land grant is vague [using trees for landmarks], but other Freshwater descendants gave me enough directions that I visited the general site where the Totuskey River meets the Little Totuskey. I brought back a bottle of dirt for both my sister and myself. There are two books on the Freshwater genealogy and figuring prominantly as the research site for early records was the North Farnham Church, pictured below. :) Carol



My laptop is down again and for some reason, I can't access my blogger account on the desktop. I'm trying to post via my website.

I won't be able to take in the laptop until I return from RWA National in Dallas [7/11/07-7/14/07] so bear with me.

I'm elbow deep in paint anyway at the moment. After two years of procrastination because I knew the project would be overwhelming, I've tackle the makeover of the family room. I was right. The project is tremendous, but I'm nibbling away at it. Ceiling is now patched and painted.

:) Carol
commented by Blogger Carol Stephenson, 9:54 PM  

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