Trials and Tribulations

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Bourne Ultimatum

After taping, priming and painting two doors and the cabinet in the TV room, I treated myself to seeing Bourne Ultimatum today. Two thumbs up. What an action ride! Who would have thought Matt Damon would turn into such an action hero?!?

I also bought the self-adhesive tiles for the flooring in the makeover room. The only thing left for me to do major painting is the bookcase that covers an entire wall. Before I can begin painting it, my neighbor's going to help me brace the mid-section that's sagging a bit. I figure the bookcase alone, with sanding, priming and painting, is at least a 3-weekend project. Then laying the floor... Now you know why I kept putting off the project for several years.

But it is looking good. Love the colors and it looks so much larger than with the dark paneling.

I'll give myself a break over the week and map out secondary characters for my work in progress, not to mention the day job. :) Carol


I saw it, too, and really enjoyed it.
commented by Blogger Toni Lea Andrews, 1:51 PM  

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