Trials and Tribulations

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Heather Graham's Conference: The Welcome Party

Heather Graham's Writers' Conference for New Orleans began with a bang on Friday, August 31 at the gorgeous Hotel Monteleone. [Hotel Monteleone]

Authors Erin McCarthy and Kathy Love graciously sponsored the Welcome Party. [Erin McCarthy Read Kathy Love - Romance Author]

Great food and a live performance by the band The Impalers were the highlights. [The Impalers - Vampire Band]

As the following photos show, members of the Florida Romance Writers know how to party!

Author Mary Stella

Our wonderful prez, author Traci Hall

Authors Traci Hall, Aleka Nakis and Kathy Pickering []

Authors Traci Hall, Aleka Nakis [], and Kathy Pickering

And me being serenaded by the Impalers' lead singer. :) Carol


Looks like a wonderful time! Hey, is your serenader the guy with the white eyelashes around one eye? He was VERY popular with some of the attendees last year...
commented by Blogger Toni Lea Andrews, 6:17 AM  
aciellGreat pictures! You look so content sitting with your man, lol.

Next year I will wear something that blends a little better - and maybe take some dance lessons!

commented by Blogger Traci, 6:33 AM  
Toni, it was soooo dark where I was sitting that I have no idea if the dude was wearing white mascara. All I know is he had all the ladies smiling. :) Carol
commented by Blogger Carol Stephenson, 7:38 PM  
No white mascara, Carol. But to answer Toni, yes- it's him.
commented by Anonymous Aleka Nakis, 8:37 PM  

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