Trials and Tribulations

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

DWTS results

Jane Seymour brought such class to the show, but it was time to exit. However, who is going to win is a mystery to me with Sabrina being knocked out so unexpectedly. I rolled on the floor with laughter when I learned that everyone was doing their own lines because of the writers' strike...The hosts have written lines?!? I do wish the producers would stop with trying to make an hour show of the results. There is just too much filler. They easily could have canned that 'review' panel piece. I could well imagine the 3 wrote their own lines: they stunk.

My thoughts are with the Osmond family on the death of their father. I know the familiar saying is no parent wants a child to die before them, but losing a parent leaves such a hole in one's heart. I hope George got to watch Marie's performance on Monday night.

One thing I'll always cherish is Mom hung on long enough to sing me 'happy birthday' one last time. She passed away early the next day. While I now always experience a sense of sadness on my birthday, I also wrap around me the memory of her singing.



You should check my blog and see the entry I wrote on reality TV shows a couple of weeks ago. You and Mary Stella could form a support group.
commented by Blogger Toni Lea Andrews, 10:39 AM  

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