Trials and Tribulations

Monday, December 10, 2007

Golf Cart Parade of Lights

Tonight Maddie and I along with a friend attended a 'Golf Cart Parade of Lights'. I know...only in Florida but what a hoot and a half! People deck their golf carts with lights and decorations and drive around the streets. The event kicks off with hot dogs and hamburgers and games for the kids. Unfortunately, a few hard showers did put a few kinks in the celebration, but a great time was had by all. My Maddie handled the crowds like a lady she was. Everyone ooo'd and ahh'd over her red bow. :) Carol


Sounds like fun! I miss the Balboa Boat Parade, which makes the Lauderdale version look tiny. Hmmmm...I'll have to put it in a book!
commented by Blogger Toni Lea Andrews, 9:31 AM  

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