Trials and Tribulations

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Happiness is American Idol has returned. Normally, I do other projects while I watch TV. However, last night I treated myself to simply sitting and watching the show. I have to admit, I love the auditions, and apparently I'm not alone in the guilty pleasure of watching people make absolute fools of themselves. My local Fox netword ran a poll as to whether viewers prefer the auditons or actual competition, and 65% voted for auditions.

I just hope the nuts don't flood the voting for someone pathetic. And shame on the one former contestant who went on to a recording contract [he was the screeching rocker who placed 4th and whose name I immediately put in my mental trash bag as I would never, ever listen to him let alone buy a CD]. He dished the current season; talk about biting the hand that feeds you. He performed for years in obscurity and probably would have continued in same condition for years more but for his AI appearance. Ungrateful bore. Oh well.

So far the women singers going through to Hollywood appear to be better than the men, but since AI never shows all the auditions of those who get the gold ticket, there could be some male sleepers we won't see/hear until the Hollywood shows.

Color me a happy camper. :) Carol


Carol, I'm so glad that AI is back, but have the opposite opinion. I hate the audition shows and can't wait for the Hollywood segments to start. I feel so bad when some poor contestant who honestly thinks he/she can sing bravely goes before the judging panel and is ridiculed. (I don't feel bad for the buttheads who get obscene or appear half-naked, etc.)

I know that in each audition city the producers purposely select a large number of weirdos and other 'out-there' contestants to put through to the judging panel because they think it makes great television. I'd rather they only put through decent singers who have a shot.

On the positive note, I enjoy when an auditioning singer is good and has an interesting home story. I already want the young woman with the disabled child to do well and love the ernestness of the farm kid who sang George Strait and has never flown on a plane.
commented by Blogger Mary Stella, 11:03 AM  

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