Trials and Tribulations

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


At the office today the girl talk around the water cooler centered on the announcement of the stars slated for Dancing With the Stars VI...and in particular on Dolphins' player Jason Taylor. We all wished that Max is going to leave behind his leather vest for Jason to wear. For those non-football ladies out there, are you in for a treat!!!

He's hubba, hubba, hubba...

hubba. :) Carol


Oh yeah. Jason Taylor is HOT but so is that Venezualan guy someone del Fuente. Whew!

I hated the format of Dance Wars but thought that the performances each week were extremely entertaining. I just never wanted to see anybody voted off!

Now I'm settling in for American Idol and waiting the return of DWTS!
commented by Blogger Mary Stella, 3:55 PM  
Mary, I saw that Jason is paired with Edyta so I have my fingers crossed. I would like to see Edyta get one win as I think she's terrific.

I hated the format for Dance Wars as well although I enjoyed the performances. I wish the producers would spring for an independent panel of 2-3 judges. Listening to Carie Ann and Bruno critique each other's performances did nothing for me.

But I can't wait for 3/17 for DWTS to begin. :) Carol
commented by Blogger Carol Stephenson, 11:12 PM  

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