Trials and Tribulations

Thursday, August 07, 2008

A pause in the San Fran itinerary: STYCD

I'm still having problems uploading photos so...

"So You Think You Can Dance" has been really good this year, and I was delighted that they showed what has been going on with seasons' prior winners and competitors. I thought the scope of the dances and choreography was much better this year. Last year was a bit heavy on the hip-hop and krump [the latter I still don't get but realize it is popular]

I enjoyed the addition of Russian and Indian dances. Very disappointed that Katee didn't win. She's such a gift to dance, but I figure that the Russian dance-off between the 2 male finalists might push the voting to the male finalists. However, I'm very happy for Joshua. For not being as trained as the others, I thought he reached deep into himself and pulled out astonishing development. He was a joy to watch every time.

:) Carol


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